March 26, 2011

Earth Hour

this is how we celebrated #earthhour. :)

Are you ready for Earth Hour? This Saturday (the 26th of March) at 8:30pm people will be turning all their lights off around the globe to be a little kinder than we usually are to our lovely planet. Everybody can and should join in at 8:30 pm wherever you are (it's 8:30 in your time zone so some people have already had their earth hour but don't let that stop you being green!).

Please join in and try to go beyond the hour, turn your hall light off when you aren't downstairs, don't keep your tv on standby, don't run your cold tap while you're brushing your teeth.

I'll be candle lit at 8:30 today, I hope you are too.

Earth Hour - 2011

Images courtesy of @mistAh_may0r and earthhour.


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